2025 WA Open Program – Live Scores and Results


View live scores and meet results on the Scorecat app or the USAG website.

Meet results will also be posted here:




Family and friends of the gymnasts competing at the Washington Open, the Washington Men’s Gymnastics Foundation (WMGF) is very honored and thankful that you are attending this year’s competition.  We have been hosting this meet for over 30 years and every year, we try to host the best competition in the region.  Over the years, the USAG boys program has incorporated more and more competitive levels.  This has sometimes caused the length of awards ceremonies to extend well over an hour if awards are given for each individual event, all-around, and team.  In an effort to shorten the awards ceremonies, we have decided to award only the all-around and team placings this year.  This means we will not be awarding each individual event.  We realize this is unlike many other competitions but we primarily decided on these changes with the spectators in mind.

The Washington Open is often the first competion of the year for gymnasts.  Many gymnasts and coaches view this meet as the starting point of the season and look forward to improving routines and scores from here.  We invite all gymnasts to record their scores and work to improve them throughout the season where they will be rewarded for their efforts.  If you are feeling that you wished your son had made it up to the awards podium but did not, please feel free to take a picture of him on the awards stand after the awards ceremony. 

Again, we thank you for coming to support your gymnast and participate in this year’s Washington Open.  If you have any questions, please feel free to approach the scoring table and ask one of us your questions or voice your concerns.  We want to hear from you.  Thank you and enjoy the competition!