Donate via PayPal
Or send check / money order to:
5529 27th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105
WMGF is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID # 91-1645477.
The Washington Men’s Gymnastics Team is a fully self-funded program and relies on donations from supporters like you, as well as the team members providing hard labor (equipment setups and takedowns) throughout the season, hosting competitions, providing scoring at local competitions, etc.
General donations go to help pay for coaching, travel to competitions, gym supplies (tape, grips, equipment), uniforms, equipment, and more! The WMGF provides scholarship monies up to 10 applicants a year to help pay for school related and living expenses. See our scholarships page for more info!
Donations to the Dr. Eric Hughes Scholarship Fund will go directly to a fund that is separate from the WMGF’s general budget, designated specifically to deserving scholarship applicants who attend the University of Washington. This scholarship application can also be found on the scholarships page of this website. All scholarship applications are reviewed annually by the Scholarship Committee, a sub-committee of the WMGF.
Where Do My Donations Go?
$400 – One Gymnast’s Travel Expenses for One Meet
$1,250 – One Month of Gym Rent
$5,000 – One Gymnast’s Scholarship
$2,000 – New Set of Parallel Bars
$1,500 – One Gymnast’s International Trip
$200 – One Gymnast’s Team Uniform
$55 – A Day’s Worth of Meals for One Gymnast at an Away Meet
“As a former member of the team and scholarship athlete, the WMGF just made everything work for me. I know gymnastics is an expensive sport, but I didn’t have to think about the money when I was on the team. I just showed up at the gym, the airport, or the fundraising events and everything that I needed to do my job was there. I could always work out, I had the grips, tape, equipment, coaching, etc. that I needed. For competitions, we had our uniforms and warm-ups provided, airfare, hotel, food, and entrance fees were all paid for. Now that I’m on the Board, I see a lot more of how the budget is built and the efforts to keep costs down. I also have much more insight into where donations come from.”
– Graham Smith-Gordon (2002-2006)
“Not having the luxury of being a funded sport at the UW, donations act somewhat as a catalyst helping to keep this program thriving the way that it is. It’s great to see scholarships given too! Very unique group and sport that I am proud to have been a part of.”
– Sergio Luna III (1996-1997)
Corporate Match Donations
Other Donation Opportunities
Fred Meyer has committed to donating a percentage of your purchase price to your favorite charity. Visit Fred Meyer Community Rewards and set “Washington Men’s Gymnastics Foundation” as your charity of choice.